The HomeOwnership Center Hires New Program Coordinator

The HomeOwnership Center is happy to welcome Jenifer (Pingley) Clay to its staff as its new Program Coordinator. To complement its Home Buyer services, Jenifer will be responsible for developing the organization’s new Home Owner services division. This new bundle of services will offer low-interest home repair loans, mortgage refinancing, financial counseling, and educational classes in home maintenance to residents in the area who already own their own homes.

Jenifer brings to the HomeOwnership Center more than 15 years of experience in operations, education and training development. Jenifer gained her experience as a member of the U.S. Army, working as an Operations and Training Officer, and a curriculum developer and director within higher education. Jenifer has a B.A. in English, M.S. in Strategic Leadership, and Ph.D. in Education. Her leadership and commitment to the community will be a great asset to the programs offered at the HomeOwnership Center.

An Elkins native, Jenifer is excited to be back home working and raising her family in the community where she was raised—and the HomeOwnership Center is excited to have her. You may inquire about the HomeOwnership Center’s home owner services, or welcome Jenifer back to the area, at [email protected].