Home Loans

Affordable and Competitive Home Loans

Looking to purchase a home? Want to refinance your current home? Need to make some home improvements? The HomeOwnership Center can help get you on the right path for lasting financial and homeownership success. We offer a wide range of loan options to individuals of any income level, and will provide you and your family customized service to help you meet your goals. Helping you become a successful homebuyer is simply what we do.

The HomeOwnership Center can help get you started on the right path for lasting financial and homeownership success.

Helping Families Become First Time Home Owners

First Time Homebuyer? You’ve come to the right place! We specialize in simplifying this often confusing process from start to finish, enabling you to have a stress-free experience. For more than 20 years, we have helped over 1000 local families navigate the road to home ownership through expert advice and easy to understand loan options. With the HomeOwnership Center, you have someone on your side from the very beginning, answering your questions, and working with you toward your goals, keeping your best interests in mind.

Traditional and Specialty Home Loans Available for All Income Levels

USDA Guaranteed and Direct Loans for Moderate and Lower-Income Families

No down payment required loans from USDA can be the best way for many moderate and lower-income families to make owning a home a reality. Fixed interest rates and lower payment options, combined with generous income guidelines, are some of the reasons why. To find out more about this great opportunity, contact us today for details on how to qualify and to discuss all your home loan options.

Guaranteed Loan Information

For more information USDA 502 loans, watch this video: Click Here

For more information USDA Guaranteed Loans, watch this video: Click Here

Down Payment Assistance for First Time Homebuyer Families

If you are already working with a local lender to purchase your dream home, and you just need some help coming up with enough money for a down payment, the HomeOwnership Center is there for you. We provide down payment assistance to families and individuals who qualify. Let us help you make your dream of owning a home a reality.

For more information on our Down Payment Assistance Program, watch this video: Click Here

FHA Home Loans

FHA loans are government-backed mortgage loans with requirements that are easier to qualify for than other loan options. FHA Home Loans offer low down payment, lower interest rates and low credit score requirements.

Conventional Home Loans

The Fahe 80/20 Conventional Home Loan off 100% Conventional Financing without Mortgage Insurance. It consists of a loan for 80% of the sale price and a second loan for the remaining 20% of the purchase price. This loan option is suited for a borrower who does not qualify for government financing either due to the home they are purchasing or their income.

To learn more about our Conventional Home Loan options: click here.

Refinance your Existing Home with the HomeOwnership Center

If you are not completely satisfied with your current home loan, or if financial situations have you contemplating refinancing for a more affordable rate or payment, the HomeOwnership Center’s refinancing loans may be the perfect fit for your goals and budget.

Home Improvement Loans for Home Owners in North Central WV

Our Home Improvement Program features loan options that will help homeowners tackle most home improvement projects – from kitchen remodels to roof replacements.

Home Improvement Loan: Tackle kitchen remodels, update roof, fix plumbing issues, complete electrical work, etc.
Energy Efficient Home Loan: Replace/update HVAC system, update windows/door, install insulation to your home
Home Accessibility Modification Loan: Install safety railings, install accessibility ramps to your home, remodel your bathroom with safety features

Give us a call to see if we can help you with your next project!

For more information on Home Improvement Loans, watch this video: Click Here

Specialized Mortgage Options help Limited Income Families become Home Owners in North Central WV

For many families the desire to own their own home feels like a far off dream. At the HomeOwnership Center, we empower individuals and families who have been turned down in the past or worry that their income won’t be enough to own a home, to explore all their options. The HomeOwnership Center has options that many traditional lending companies and banks do not have available. For more information on how our services may work for you, stop by or give us a call.