Thank You Customer Information

Thank you for completing Steps 1 & 2. You’re almost done!

Step 3 – Create Account and Upload Documents At this time you will need to create an account to upload the required documents.

  • Secure Document Uploader (must create an account or login). You can also create an account or login at any time using the buttons at the bottom of each page.

If you prefer not to upload the documents, you may:

  • Mail it or drop it off at our Office
  • Fax It (304-636-4125)

All documents must be received in our office before we will schedule your appointment.

Please submit the following documents:

  • Pay Stubs for the last 30 days for ALL adult household members (if employed)
  • OR
  • Social Security Award Letter ***IF receiving SSI/SSDI
  • Proof of “other” household income such as self-employment, SNAP benefit, Section 8 rental assistance etc., ***IF benefits are received
  • Alimony and Child Support Documentation ***IF receiving or paying child support or alimony
  • Bank Statements for Checking and/or Savings for the most recent 2 months
  • Federal Tax Returns for last two years ***IF you have filed taxes
  • ALL W-2’s or 1099’s for last two years ***IF you were employed and filed taxes
  • Divorce Decree ***IF divorced
  • Bankruptcy Documentation ***IF you have filed bankruptcy in the past 7 years

You may contact us at any time with questions. Call us at 304-636-9115, or send us an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include your name, address, phone number, and a brief description of how we can assist you.

We look forward to working with you.