The HomeOwnership Center’s Mission
The mission of the HomeOwnership Center is to strengthen the communities of North Central West Virginia by creating and supporting successful home owners through mortgage lending, credit counseling, financial advising and home buyer education.
The HomeOwnership Center’s Vision
Empowering and inspiring families to achieve financial confidence and the dream of home ownership.
Our History
The HomeOwnership Center began as a program of the Randolph County Housing Authority (RCHA), but became a separate, legally independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation in June 1998.
In 2001, we became a chartered member of NeighborWorks America, joining a national network of more than 200 non-profit organizations focused on affordable homeownership and community development.
In 2002, we became a chartered NeighborWorks America HomeOwnership Center, to better serve prospective home buyers and home owners. We are one of about 100 Centers nationwide, but the only one in West Virginia.
In 2003, we moved from shared space within the RCHA building to our own renovated historic home on Randolph Ave. in Elkins.
In 2004, we assisted our 250th home buyer.
In 2006, we were recognized by the WV Housing Development Fund as a top producing non-profit housing lender.
In 2009, we assisted our 500th home buyer.
In 2013, we celebrated our 15th anniversary of incorporation.
In 2017, we were recognized by Fahe as its Rising Star lender of the year.
In 2018, we celebrated our 20th anniversary, and the nearly 1000 home buyers we have assisted and over 3200 counseling and education customers we have served during those two decades.
In 2020, we were recognized by the WV USDA Rural Development office and its State Director, Kris Warner, “for our outstanding work in support of helping rural West Virginians realize the dream of homeownership.”
In just the last five years, we have helped to create over 225 new home owners, we educated nearly 300 new home buyers, and provided financial counseling to over 750 households.
Contact a Home Lending Provider that Offers the Advice and Support You Need
If you are looking for a home loan lender or would like to speak to someone about your home ownership goals, contact us today to schedule an appointment to discuss how we can help you. The Homeownership Center proudly advises and counsels first time home buyers as well as repeat home buyers on all the available options that are offered to the residents of Barbour, Lewis, Pendleton, Pocahontas, Randolph, Tucker, Upshur, and Webster counties in West Virginia.